Westhill Physiotherapy
Westhill Physiotherapy aims to provide top quality assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. It is run by Chartered Physiotherapist Annette MacPherson (BSc Hons) who is a fully qualified State Registered Physiotherapist with over 15 years experience. Westhill Physiotherapy is located at the Westhill Shopping Centre as part of a multi disciplinary practice and at 10 Kirkton Gardens, Westhill, AB32 6LE.
Annette has postgraduate qualifications and experience in acupuncture and Pilates and is an accredited member of the AACP (Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists) and member of the APPI (Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates institute).
Annette has been specialising in Muscolskeletal Physiotherapy working at advanced practitioner level.
Conditions Treated
Sports injuries
Neck and back pain
Work related injuries
Soft tissue injuries
Joint pain/arthritic pain
Rehabilitation following surgery
Posture problems
Treatments Offered
Soft tissue mobilisation
Manual therapy
Exercise therapy
Postural advice
Other Services
Podiatry and chiropody
Massage therapy
Nutrition advice
For advice on injury prevention and self management
email annette@westhillphysiotherapy.co.uk or telephone the clinic on 07817 736 525 to arrange a mutually convenient time.